
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Turning Rawon Into Soto

It is almost impossible to change a food which was seasoning with "rawon" into "soto". The same impossibility with changing porridge back to rice.

The best solution is dealing with the new kind of food. There are some responses Associated with this "disaster". First, we will say, "Oh no, we have to throw these stuff to the rubbish !" We just hate it and we want soto, so we will cook from the first step again.

The second response is, "I want soto, so I will not eat this food, but I will give it to others who like rawon." Still negative response but not as frontal as The first reaction.

The third response is ,"It's okay, I will eat this rawon anyway." Positive response, sounds like hopeless, hahaha....

The fourth response is, "it's okay, I will make the best rawon with these wrong stuffs!!" Do you think this is the best response ?

Depend on the problems, our dealing responses will influence the results. For example, if we refuse to accept the wrong products, we have to find, do something, make some extra efforts to get the most wanted product. If we accept the wrong output, we have to bury our first desires.

I have one more response, according to my opinion. It is okay with the rawon, I will make the best effort that I can with the rawon. But I will use it to make a deal with others who like rawon or sell it to others, so I can have an extra income, hahaha......

So, use a disaster to be our wellness, because God have a better plan for us. If we stay in hopeless state or denial, we will never get the positive result.

This is my opinion, yours ?

Note :
Rawon : east Java's traditional food with kluwak and meats.
Soto : Indonesian's chicken or meat food with special taste.

You can search in the google for the rawon and soto.

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